Tina Constance
Tina has worked with animals for many years and joined one of the first TTouch Practitioner Training Programs in the UK. She has worked as a Practitioner for Companion Animals and Horses for over thirteen years and became an Instructor in 2009. Tina has worked at Tilley Farm, the centre for TTouch® in the UK, for the past eight years and is a valuable member of the team.
Tina works closely with Sarah Fisher and has appeared in all of Sarah's books. She works with the horses coming in to the farm for rehabilitation and training, assists on every Practitioner Training Clinic and sees private clients on a one to one basis. Tina also teaches workshops and travels with Sarah around the UK.
Tina is the proud owner of a Springer Spaniel, one horse and one pony. Her horse, Wellington, came to Tilley Farm in 2005 and had multiple problems. The Tellington TTouch® Method has been an invaluable part of his rehabilitation and Tina has been successfully competing him in the Veteran showing classes tina@tinacontstance.co.uk
Upcoming Trainings/Workshops with Tina Constance
Tellington TTouch® for You & Your Dog
Join Tina Constance in Blafwerk, Reijerscop 34b - Harmelen, Netherlands on September 8 - 10, 2023 for a live, in person 3 day training session.
For more info or to register for the event, either visit this website or contact us over email.
in In Person on 2023-09-08 thru 2023-09-10Interactive & Online Tellington TTouch® for Horses: Intro
September 23rd and 30th, October 7th & 14th
Live Interactive Sessions with Tina Constance
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Join Tellington TTouch Instructor Tina Constance, and learn this amazing approach from the comfort of home. Enjoy the logical, linear, learning of Online Learning along with the inspiring and adaptive format of LIVE Zoom sessions.
Learn the innovative and empowering techniques and exercises that will take your relationship with your horse, to an all new level and transform the way you train horses and understand them. Whether you want guidance for improving performance, behavior, or are simply curious for a new perspective, Lindy will give you countless ways to understand, interact and influence your horse in the most wonderful ways.
Register and gain access to an extensive, clearly laid out and detailed online course covering the material you would learn in a 3 day hands-on training. This course can be done at YOUR OWN PACE, before or after the LIVE sessions.
Beginning on September 23rd; join Tina for your first interactive Zoom session. Continue each week and build on what you learn.
All sessions are recorded and sent to participants, in case you cannot make it live.
Between sessions you will take what you have learned and practice it with your own horses. Take video for specific feedback to share in the next class so you can refine and improve your technique.
This course can count as 8 credits towards the Tellington TTouch Horse Practitioner certification program for horses. It is also a wonderful learning experience for ANYONE looking to enhance their life with horses.
The Tellington TTouch Method for horses offers a handling and training approach that encourages optimal performance and well-being. Based on the understanding that behavioural issues are often caused by pain, soreness, fear or tension in the body, TTouch addresses these underlying issues through a combination of Observation, Body Work, specific Ground Exercises, and Riding With Awareness along with an overarching attitude of respect and consideration for the horse.
Saturday September 23rd- 16.00 to 18.30 GMT (8am to 10:30am PST)
Saturday September 30th- 16.00 to 18.30 GMT
Saturday October 7th – 16.00 to 18.30 GMT
Saturday October 14th – 16.00 to 18.30 GMT
in Live Interactive & Online on 2023-09-23 thru 2023-10-14Tellington TTouch® for You & Your Horse
Join Tellington TTouch Instructor Tina Cosntance, and learn this amazing approach from the comfort of home. Enjoy the logical, linear, learning of Online Learning along with the inspiring and adaptive format of LIVE Zoom sessions.
Learn the innovative and empowering techniques and exercises that will take your relationship with your horse, to an all new level and transform the way you train horses and understand them. Whether you want guidance for improving performance, behavior, or are simply curious for a new perspective, Lindy will give you countless ways to understand, interact and influence your horse in the most wonderful ways.
Register and gain access to an extensive, clearly laid out and detailed online course covering the material you would learn in a 3 day hands-on training. This course can be done at YOUR OWN PACE, before or after the LIVE sessions.
Beginning on January 20th; join Tina for your first interactive Zoom session. Continue each week and build on what you learn.
All sessions are recorded and sent to participants, in case you cannot make it live.
Between sessions you will take what you have learned and practice it with your own horses. Take video for specific feedback to share in the next class so you can refine and improve your technique.
This course can count as 8 credits towards the Tellington TTouch Horse Practitioner certification program for horses. It is also a wonderful learning experience for ANYONE looking to enhance their life with horses.
The Tellington TTouch Method for horses offers a handling and training approach that encourages optimal performance and well-being. Based on the understanding that behavioural issues are often caused by pain, soreness, fear or tension in the body, TTouch addresses these underlying issues through a combination of Observation, Body Work, specific Ground Exercises, and Riding With Awareness along with an overarching attitude of respect and consideration for the horse.
Saturday January 20th- 16.30 to 19.00 GMT (8:30am to 11:00am PST)
Saturday January 27th- 16.30 to 19.00 GMT (8:30am to 11:00am PST)
Saturday February 3rd- 16.30 to 19.00 GMT (8:30am to 11:00am PST)
Saturday February 10th- 16.30 to 19.00 GMT (8:30am to 11:00am PST)
Overcome common issues that may limit behaviour and performance:
Body tension
High-headed posture
Touch sensitivity
Ear shyness
Overall distrust
These are just a few of the many concerns that can be resolved with simple, non-habitual, force-free, and innovative Tellington TTouch approaches and techniques.
Who is this for?
Anyone looking to better understand and communicate with their horses; under saddle and on the ground. The Tellington Method gives you new tools to understand and interact with your horse in positive, force-free ways.
Whether you are a life-long horse guardian, professional in an equine related-industry, high-level competitor, pleasure rider, or pursuing a lifelong dream of adding a horse to your life – this course will provide you with innovative, gentle, effective and forward-thinking ways of enhancing the life of your horse, and yourself.
What You Will Learn
This course guides you through several components of the Tellington TTouch Method for Horses.
Discover the kind, empathetic, heart-centered, philosophy that is at the core of our approach.
Understand how to “see your horse with new eyes” through non-judgmental, rational, methods of observation and understanding of behaviour.
Learn the cornerstone of the Tellington Method, the TTouch Bodywork, simple, non-invasive and easy to learn equine bodywork that relieves tension, improves posture, increases awareness and enhances trust.
The online portion of the course includes:
8 Learning Lesson Modules each with a variety of focused topics
Easy to follow mind maps and “how-to” video
24/7 Instant access to all materials
The LIVE interactive portion of the course includes:
✳️ 10 hours of LIVE, virtual learning in an intimate, supportive, group
✳️ Personalized coaching for your and your horse’s specific goals or challenges
✳️ A dedicated WhatsApp group for all participants for any mid week queries or discussion
✳️ Private Facebook page where the recordings of the zoom sessions will be uploaded.
in Live Interactive & Online on 2024-01-20 thru 2024-02-103-day Tellington TTouch® Training for Companion Animals
Online voorbereiding: 3, 8 en 10 april 2025 van 19.00 tot 21.00 uur, onder leiding van Karen Hartog. Let op: in beginsel verplicht voor nieuwe deelnemers zodat de theorie al grotendeels is besproken en we in de lessen meer tijd aan praktijkoefeningen kunnen besteden. De Zoom lessen worden opgenomen en kunnen terug gekeken worden mocht je een avond niet aanwezig kunnen zijn.
Live training: van 15 tot en met 18 april 2025, onder leiding van Tellington TTouch® Senior Instructor Robyn Hood in begrijpelijk Engels (vertaling mogelijk indien nodig).
Locatie: De Bosrand 15-17, 3931 AP Woudenberg, zie Agenda.
Vroegboek korting voor inschrijving én betaling tot en met 1 maart 2025 € 600, voor boekingen daarna geldt de cursusprijs van € 650.
De cursusprijs is inclusief eenvoudige vegetarische lunch, koffie, thee en BTW.
Let op: De live training hoeft niet met een hond gevolgd te worden. Je kunt ook zonder hond komen en samenwerken met andere deelnemers. Bij de Tellington Methode zijn er meerdere oefeningen waarbij 2 deelnemers met 1 hond werken. Als je wel een hond meeneemt is het handig om ook een bench mee te nemen zodat jouw hond (koffie halen, toiletbezoek of lunch) rustig kan blijven liggen. Of wanneer je jouw hond ontspanning gunt omdat je met andermans hond wilt oefenen.
Je verklaart hiermee dat je een factuur wenst te ontvangen (met aparte btw vermelding). Deze wordt na inschrijving per email toegezonden.
Ondergetekende heeft de voorwaarden gelezen en gaat akkoord met het volgende:
De deelname geschiedt op eigen risico.
De betalings- en annuleringsvoorwaarden en
de deelnemersverklaring zoals hieronder beschreven.
Bij onvoldoende inschrijvingen behoudt Tellington TTouch® Training Nederland en België zich het recht voor de training te annuleren. In dat geval zal je het betaalde cursusgeld zo snel mogelijk teruggestort krijgen.
Voorwaarden voor betaling: Behandeling van aanmelding geschiedt op volgorde van binnenkomst van inschrijfformulier en betaling.
Als je een betalingsregeling in meerdere keren wilt afspreken, neem dan contact op met karen@tellington-ttouch.com.
Alleen als we het volledige cursusgeld ontvangen hebben ben je gegarandeerd van deelname.
Voorwaarden voor annulering: Mocht je door omstandigheden verhinderd zijn deel te nemen aan de training waarvoor je je hebt ingeschreven, vragen wij je ons dat zo snel mogelijk schriftelijk kenbaar te maken.
Als je tot 6 weken voor het begin van de cursus annuleert, zullen wij onze uiterste best doen om het bedrag te restitueren. We kunnen dat alleen garanderen als jouw plaats in de training wordt overgenomen.
Indien je binnen 6 weken voor het begin van de training annuleert, ben je het volledige cursusgeld verschuldigd. Wij zullen onze uiterste best doen je op een volgende training te plaatsen, maar kunnen dat alleen garanderen als er een wachtlijst is voor de oorspronkelijke training, en jouw plaats daarin door een ander overgenomen kan worden.
Annulering door Tellington TTouch® Training Nederland en België: Bij onvoldoende inschrijvingen of onvoorziene omstandigheden behouden wij ons het recht voor de training te annuleren. Het betaalde cursusgeld wordt in dat geval volledig gerestitueerd.
Verklaring van deelname door cursist: Deelname aan een training (workshop, cursus, of opleiding) die door Tellington TTouch Training® Nederland en België is georganiseerd berust op eigen risico van de deelnemers.
Je beschikt zelf over een WA verzekering voor je dier(en). Check de polisvoorwaarden als je meer dan 1 dier meeneemt naar de training!
Indien je werkt met dieren die niet tot jouw eigendom behoren (dieren van bijvoorbeeld: mede-cursisten, dierenasiels of uitgenodigde particulieren of bedrijven) wordt daarbij een zorgvuldige en respectvolle omgang verwacht. Ditzelfde geldt voor de goederen, locatie etc., die voor de training ter beschikking worden gesteld.
in NL on 2025-10-24 thru 2025-10-26