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Looking for a magical, heart-felt connection with your horse?

The Tellington Method

Are you looking for a method that develops a deep trusting relationship between you and your horse?
     •  that offers solutions to common behavioral and physical problems
     •  that educates horses to think and act rather than re-act
     •  that improves performance
     •  that teaches safety and kindness

If so, Linda invites you to join more than one million people in 46 countries who have experienced the magical connection that overcomes resistance in horses and develops a cooperative joyful attitude in horse and rider.

Four phases of Tellington Training 
   •  Tellington TTouch® bodywork
   •  Playground of Higher Learning
   •  The Joy of Riding 
   •  Tellington philosophy

Tellington TTouch® helps to relieve tension, fear of contact, soreness or discomfort and transforms nervous, spooky or resistant horses and improve attitude and behavior. Your horse will enjoy learning and cooperate willingly. TTouch® has been used extensively to speed healing and recovery from injury and illness in horses and in all animals, including humans.

The TTouch® techniques for first-aid offer animal owners an invaluable tool. Hundreds of case histories about emergencies with colic, illness or injury demonstrate the value of TTouch® work with the ears to keep a horse out of shock or to bring a horse out of shock while waiting for the veterinarian. 

The Playground for Higher Learning - a series of ground exercises and elements enable a horse to override old patterns and to learn without fear or force. Using a variety of obstacles including labyrinth, ground poles and plastic, the exercises result in self-control, focus, self-confidence, cooperation, balance and coordination. Moreover, eleven unique ways of leading a horse provide opportunities for both horse and rider to increase ability and coordination.

The Joy of Riding combines Linda's 60+ years of teaching classical riding and her experience as a Feldenkrais practitioner for humans. Our Method has developed several unique tools like the Balance Rein, the Neckring and the Training rollerbit to encourage the well-being of the horse. Experiencing the joy of riding with awareness increases the comfort, performance and confidence of horse and rider.


Starting Young Horses
Combining the components of the Tellington Method (Bodywork, Groundwork, and Riding with Awareness), we quietly educate young horses from their first interactions with people to schooling under saddle This method encourages confidence, cooperation, and awareness without jeopardizing the safety of horse and handler. Each year our Starting Young Horse clinics take participants of all levels through the steps of safely and effectively teaching young horses to be ridden, in a comprehensive and low-stress way. Horses often demonstrate marked improvement in athletic skills and increased willingness and ability to perform. Not only does the horse benefit, but also a deeper rapport grows between horse and rider because of better understanding and more effective communication.

Who Uses the Tellington Method for Horses?
The Tellington TTouch® Method is used by many world-renowned trainers and riders, including:
     •  Klaus Balkenhol - Olympic Dressage Rider
     •  Frederic Pignon - Founder of Cavalia
     •  Ann Kurskinski - US Show Jumper
     •  Ingrid Klimke - Olympic Three-Day Event Rider
     •  Becky Hart - World Champion Endurance Rider
These are just a few of the many high caliber equestrians who have worked with Linda and appreciate the Tellington TTouch® Method.

Anyone who shares their life with animals can implement the Tellington Method!

What is covered in a Tellington Training for horses?
     •  Philosophy and principles of the Tellington Method, as developed by Linda Tellington-Jones.
     •  Physiology of stress and the relationship to behavior.
     •  Observational skill-building: posture, balance, conformation, gait, and interaction with the environment using objectivity.
     •  Skill-building in the techniques of TTouch® bodywork.
     •  Use of the equipment.
     •  Skill-building in the Tellington Method of leading and groundwork.
     •  Application of the Tellington Method to specific behavior issues.
     •  Skills, exercises, and equipment used in the Joy of Riding.
     •  Introduction to problem solving and investigating external factors attributing to low performance (i.e. saddle fit, dental issues, physical issues, handler error).

Linda's technique and her book "have made a positive difference in how I relate to my horses. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't mind having the Tellington TTouch® done on me."
      - Jane Fonda

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