Cats and Other Animals

• Is your cat a scaredy cat?
• Is your cat aloof?
• Does your cat hide when visitors come to your house?
• Is your cat hyperactive or constantly meowing?
The TTouch of Magic helps with these kinds of situations!
The Tellington Method connects with all animals!
TTouch will help you enhance your relationship with your cat or bunny or with any animal who is in your care. Whether it’s the tiniest of creatures to the largest – from snake to salamander; elephant to emu; cat to cow or parakeet to primate – TTouch® can make a difference.
This gentle method is currently being used by trainers, breeders, veterinarians, zoo personnel and shelter workers.
How can the Tellington Method help?
TTouch® offers positive solutions to common behavioral and health-related issues, including fear, aggresson, anxiety, resistance, nervousnes. In addition to all of behavioral and physical benefits, TTouch® also deepens the bond and understanding between people and animals.
One- or two-day workshops provide a learning environment that is hands-on, very supportive and safe for the human participants as well as for the dogs and other animals. The majority of work in the trainings is done with dogs, but some Practitioners specialize in working with cats, bunnies, reptiles, birds and other small pets. Workshops provide a relaxed atmosphere where sharing information and ideas is encouraged. In each of these workshops, attendees will include students from all levels of experience. For more than thirty years, we have found that this combination has provided a rich exchange of ideas and experiences to all participants.
Find a Practitioner to help you learn Tellington TTouch® for your animal!
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"I have seen Linda in action using this method to calm anxious and hostile exotic animals. I have on occasion used her method on my own pet dogs with good results. She brings another valuable tool to the armamentarium of veterinarians, trainers, zookeeper, and anyone else dealing with animals."
- Werner Heuschele, D>V>M>, Ph.D., director of research, San Diego Zoo