About Workshops and Trainings
Our Instructors and Practitioners teach the participants the Telllington Method
to care for and to train dogs, horses and other companion animals.
"The hands-on workshop was super, and the best thing I could have done for me and my horse." - Karen Brenden in Wisconsin
"Last year I attended a workshop and have been using your techniques in every aspect of my horse's training, ever since, with great success!!" - Greg
"When I would take my dog for a walk he would pull me down the street. If he saw another dog he would pull harder. After one week of TTouch® training he wasn’t pulling me down the street anymore." - Basha Cohen
"My tortoise shell cat really likes the TTouch®. It helped me change her from cat with an untouchable body to a cat who enjoys my contact. It worked. Thanks for your revolutionary work." - Helen Gorden
"I took my collie to an obedience training and he wouldn’t cooperate at all. Since I’ve been doing the TTouch® he’s very responsive. It felt like a miracle to me. The changes I saw the first time and by the second and third time he was almost like another dog." - Joy E. Martin

And the participants also learn that TTouch® has wonderful effects on themselves.
"After the first day of the workshop for horses, I had an hour’s drive to home. I decided to try some circles on my own hand. Two & a half years ago, the end of my finger was amputated by a sliding stall door. After the initial healing, the finger stayed cold & white and extremely sensitive. Because it was sensitive I tended to leave it alone and wouldn't even shake hands with people. After two days of doing tiny circles all over the finger, it was less sensitive, the finger was pink & warm. TTouch® works!" - Judy Schwenk
"I do the TTouches on myself almost everyday, but usually only a few quick circles when I bump my head or stub my toe. I find that the TTouches help me to relax and breathe despite my pain. This benefit alone is enough to make me feel much better. In fact sometimes I do the TTouches on my stuffed animals in order to bring myself into a calm focus. However, I also find that they help in speeding the relief of pain, reduce swelling, and prevent bruising." - Dawn Costerisan
"My mother is in a special home for care of Alzheimer patients. I was called to emergency because she had an accident and broke her arm. The emergency attendants couldn't calm her so I started doing the TTouch on her head®. She calmed and was treated. All were impressed."
- Barb