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Maryse Perreault

As long as she can remember, Maryse, was always fascinated by the oneness of life and nature. As a child, following her father’s teachings, she would wander in silence in the forest, in a sort of meditative state, ‘’listening to the sound of life’’ as her father and grandfather would say. She became fascinated by interspecies bonds and relationships, including the human and companion animal bond.

What always piqued her interest was trying to understand the other and trying to establish a bond of trust without using words. As a result of this, she would unexpectedly find herself being touched by vivid emotions forming relationships that are sometimes so simple and sometimes very complex.

Later, two events brought TTouch on her path. Her dog was diagnosed with Addison’s disease, and she met with Lucie Leclerc, who was then a TTouch practitioner and assistant. These life events gave her the curiosity and interest to learn more about TTouch and it ended up completely changing her life path and career goals.

She continued her TTouch training until she became a TTouch practitioner. Up until this point, she had received her degrees in Geology and Communication but was also working, in her spare time, as a dog trainer using positive reinforcement and as an animal-assisted activities practitioner and teacher.

From then on, she dedicated her life to teaching TTouch to numerous groups of people with different backgrounds within the animal field like groomers, shelter employees, dog trainers, and animal-assisted activities practitioners, for example. She was also an active mentor to both French and English-speaking students.

She wrote articles in French for blogs, also translating numerous documents and training, and teaching online classes as well.

In her desire to better understand the TTouch method and develop her self-awareness abilities, she went on to explore the world of somatic education. She amongst other methods, explored Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Karate, the Feldenkrais Method… She ended up earning a degree in the field and now also teaches voice guided somatic work inspired by Moshe Feldenkrais in Québec, Canada.

That work, along with the TTouch work, influenced and changed the way she teaches animal-assisted activities/therapy work. She has worked with dogs, rabbits and other small animals from shelters and helping them manage their stress, anxiety and nervousness has been a growing passion from the very beginning.

As a companion animal Tellington TTouch instructor, Maryse, sees again and again how animals, like humans, possess the resources that allow them to express their full potential and their relational skills.

She is proud to partake in the changes humans are putting forward in order to collaborate and to create authentic, supportive, and respectful alliances with their pets.

For more information about Maryse, visit her website or contact her directly at


Upcoming Trainings/Workshops with Maryse Perreault

Tellington TTouch® for You & Your Dog

Join Tellington TTouch® Instructor Maryse Perreault and Companion Animal Practitioner Bev Spotton for one, two, or three days of a Hands-On workshop at AMMEC in Ontario!

Feel the magic of this gentle, positive way to work with your dog.

Come for Saturday only: $200 CAD + 13% HST

Attend Saturday and Sunday only: $400 CAD + 13% HST

Stay for all 3 days:  $525 CAD + 13% HST

Early Bird price of $475 CAD + 13% HST if you register for the October workshop and pay in full by August 4, 2023.

visit this website for more info.

in In Person on 2023-10-07 thru 2023-10-09

Cours interactif en ligne Tellington TTouch – chiens

*This course will be taught in French.

Rejoignez Maryse Perreault (instructrice Tellington TTouch) et apprenez des techniques basées sur la confiance, des techniques douces, efficaces et offrants du soutien dans le confort de votre maison. Ce cours comprend 10 heures d’enseignement en groupe en virtuel en direct, séances qui sont enregistrées afin que vous puissiez les visionner ultérieurement au besoin, ET un accès à vie à ce cours en ligne adapté au rythme de chacun.

Horaire du cours :

Samedi 2 mars : 9h30-12h30

Samedi 9 mars: 10h00-12h00

Samedi 16 mars : 10h00-12h00

Samedi 23 mars : 9h30-12h30


Le TTouch propose des moyens simples, doux et efficaces pour aider votre chien à se sentir plus à l’aise, à s’autocontrôler et à collaborer.

Vous apprendrez à :

➔ Interpréter le comportement de votre chien sans porter de jugement.

➔ Remarquer le langage corporel subtil d’un chien pour y déceler des signes de stress ou de relaxation.

➔ Utiliser des techniques de travail corporel simples et relaxantes pour soutenir votre chien et votre relation.

➔ Aidez votre chien à réduire son anxiété et à améliorer sa confiance en lui.

➔ Incorporer des exercices en laisse pour créer une communication en laisse plus harmonieuse.

➔ Reconnaître comment votre propre état d’esprit va affecter votre chien.

Cet atelier comprend :

  • 10 heures d’enseignement interactif EN DIRECT via Zoom.
  • Un accès instantané et à vie au cours en ligne “Introduction au Tellington TTouch pour chiens ” pour une base de connaissances solide et la possibilité de réviser la matière.
  • Accès à un groupe d’étude de soutien

*Ce cours compte pour 10 UEC NAODI ainsi que 6 crédits pour devenir un praticien certifié Tellington TTouch.

Inscrivez-vous et obtenez un accès immédiat à un cours en ligne complet, clair et détaillé. Ce cours peut être suivi à VOTRE PROPRE RYTHME, avant ou après les séances en DIRECT.

Maryse vous guidera avec aisance sur la façon d’adapter les techniques et les exercices du Tellington TTouch à vos animaux spécifiques et même à vous-même!

La classe est petite et permet des conseils et une attention individualisée.

Ce cours peut compter pour le programme de certification de praticien Tellington TTouch pour chiens. Il convient également aux gardiens de chiens qui sont intéressés par cette méthode pour améliorer leurs relations. Tous les niveaux d’expérience et tous les domaines d’intérêt sont les bienvenus.

Les étudiants auront accès à du matériel en ligne qu’ils pourront découvrir et étudier à leur propre rythme. La partie en ligne de l’apprentissage consiste en une introduction logique et linéaire à la méthode Tellington TTouch pour chiens, à laquelle on peut accéder à tout moment.

La partie en ligne du cours comprend :

  • 8 leçons, chacune comprenant plusieurs sujets spécifiques.
  • Plus de 24 vidéos et conférences sur le “comment faire” de chaque concept et exercice spécifique.
  • Des cartes euristiques faciles à suivre
  • Un accès 24h sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 à tout le matériel

La partie interactive en DIRECT du cours comprend :

  • 10 heures de séances d’apprentissage en direct dans un cadre de groupe au caractère intime et favorisant l’apprentissage.
  • Des commentaires d’experts sur vos propres animaux
  • Des assistants en classe, co-enseignants et soutenant l’apprentissage et les questions du groupe.
  • Séances Zoom enregistrées et pouvant être visionnées ultérieurement.

Vous suivez ce cours comme point de départ vers la certification? En savoir plus.

in Live Interactive & Online on 2024-03-02 thru 2024-03-23

TTouch® 3 Day In-Person Workshop with Maryse Perreault

Join Tellington TTouch Instructor Maryse Perreault and Companion Animal Practitioner Bev Spotton at AMMEC for a Hands-On Workshop!

Spend 3 days together with like-minded people, from pet parents to professionals. Practice the techniques that will help promote healthy balance. Learn how this kind and effective method can help with common issues like leash-pulling, excited jumping, reactivity and anxiety.

You can bring your own dog, or work with one at the workshop.*

We look forward to welcoming you to TTouch at AMMEC!

*NB Handler spots are no extra charge, but are limited so fill quickly!


3 Day Workshop $600 + HST Sale price $525 + HST Limited time only!

Can’t come all 3 days?

Saturday only: $225 + HST

Saturday and Sunday: $450 + HST

NB All prices are in Canadian dollars, and HST = 13%

in In-Person on 2024-06-08 thru 2024-06-10

TTouch® 3 Day In-Person Workshop with Maryse Perreault

Enjoy the positive, fun filled learning environment that looks at dog training in an all encompassing, whole, way.  This workshop can serve as an introduction to the Tellington TTouch Method for Dogs (and other Companion Animals) and build and refine the skills of more experienced students. 

Professionals dog trainers and casual dog lovers alike will benefit from the variety of practical techniques and unique approaches learned in this class! Develop and build on the fundamentals of Tellington TTouch Bodywork, Groundwork, and Observation skills.  These skills address the most common issues confronting dog owners, trainers, and other professionals; in a forward thinking, positive manner.

This is an ideal method to help enhance positive dog training modalities. Bring your own dog or work with one at the course.  There may be an opportunity to work with other species, such as horses, in a safe, confidence building way.

Can count to credit for Tellington TTouch Practitioner credits (6 credits), suitable for new and returning students


3 Day Workshop $600 + HST Sale price $525 + HST Limited time only!

Can’t come all 3 days?

Saturday only: $225 + HST

Saturday and Sunday: $450 + HST

NB All prices are in Canadian dollars, and HST = 13%

Learn more about the Facility and Accommodations.

We recommend that you purchase flight and hotel insurance for each event for which you register.

All prices are quoted in Canadian Dollars.

in In-Person ON Canada on 2024-08-31 thru 2024-09-02