TTouch® of Magic for Cats DVD
Help your cat's physical mental and emotional well-being by learning how to do many of the circular TTouches, lifts and slides. A relaxed cat is a happy and healthy cat! The TTouch® can help correct undesirable habits, improve focus, promote healing, and create a closer relationship between you and your animal.
Linda Tellington-Jones demonstrates, with a variety of cats, the TTouches that can help correct undesirable habits, improve focus, promote healing, and create a closer relationship between you and your cat. These same TTouches can be applied to any animal. DVD $29.95 1994 64 minutes.
My cat Vanessa has never been overly friendly to anybody but me. We had a baby 3 years ago and Vanessa was not interested at all. When DeMaris started getting mobile, Vanessa would just growl and hiss and RUN. Now DeMaris is 3 and wants to pet the cat. However, Vanessa (now 13) would almost go ballistic when Demaris would even slightly approach her. Last month a bought the Linda's book. I started my light little circles on Vanessa hoping It would make her more friendly. Today DeMaris was able to pet Vanessa on 2 different occasions. I was holding my cat and working on her ears when Demaris approached -- Vanessa did start to growl and make noise, however I kept working on her while telling my daughter to be very gentle and telling Vanessa that everything was ok. The cat did settle down and I swear she was purring. Each visit by my daughter was short. The second time was better than the first. To say that this event was a huge improvement is a understatement to say the least! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!! I look forward to seeing what comes next.
I raise Norwegian Forest Cats and am very thankful to have found your book and video! While I raise my babies with touch from birth on, the little guy (Zander, 5 months old) I just got for my sire wasn't and has been a little scared by noises he's not used to and is intimidated by our wonderful Golden Retriever Barkley who has lovingly helped raise all my kittens.
I took Zander to his 1st show two weeks ago and, while he did great finaling in three of six rings, he was scared most of the time. I hated that and did everything I knew how to comfort him and make the show more pleasant. Normally at home he is a rambunctious, curious, intelligent kitten, with just unusual things/noises startling him.
While I watched the video last night I had him on my lap and worked with him and then moved on to some of the other cats. Each cat loved the TTouch and even one who is NOT a lap cat sat for her ears to be rubbed and chest to be stroked. I will be using this on all my cats and Barkley too!
Thank you for all your research and all the lives you have changed by helping the humans and animals to connect in this way. Take good care and have the best week!
I raise Norwegian Forest Cats and am very thankful to have found your book and video! While I raise my babies with touch from birth on, the little guy (Zander, 5 months old) I just got for my sire wasn't and has been a little scared by noises he's not used to and is intimidated by our wonderful Golden Retriever Barkley who has lovingly helped raise all my kittens.
I took Zander to his 1st show two weeks ago and, while he did great finaling in three of six rings, he was scared most of the time. I hated that and did everything I knew how to comfort him and make the show more pleasant. Normally at home he is a rambunctious, curious, intelligent kitten, with just unusual things/noises startling him.
While I watched the video last night I had him on my lap and worked with him and then moved on to some of the other cats. Each cat loved the TTouch and even one who is NOT a lap cat sat for her ears to be rubbed and chest to be stroked. I will be using this on all my cats and Barkley too!
Thank you for all your research and all the lives you have changed by helping the humans and animals to connect in this way. Take good care and have the best week!