Interactive & Online Tellington TTouch® for Horses
Immersion Series with Robyn Hood & Guests
Join Tellington TTouch Method Instructor, Robyn Hood, as well as other guest instructors, including special sessions with Linda Tellington-Jones, and develop a deep level of understanding and skill that will transform how you understand, handle and train horses.
This course is the ideal option for anyone seeking an integrative and compassionate approach to horse training and management. It will provide you with an incredible framework of philosophical understanding, observational skills, bodywork techniques, groundwork exercises, innovative tools, and work under saddle that can make what you already do well, be even better; all while developing a deeper, more trusting relationship.
Enjoy the logical, linear, learning of online learning along with the inspiring and adaptive format that includes 36 (up to 72 with both classes) hours of small, LIVE, Zoom sessions – all recorded for your convenience and on-going learning.
Dates: Saturdays starting September 28, 2024
(Enrollment is open throughout this time period)
Time: 8:00 – 11:00 PT/ 16:00 – 19:00 GMT via Interactive Zoom Sessions
(Recorded in case you miss a session!)
AND/OR (students may choose which session they attend)
Saturdays for Australia: 9:00 – Noon Sydney time/ Fridays: 14:00 – 17:00 PT