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Become a Practitioner

Many people see the Tellington TTouch® Training as an extremely effective way of working with horses. Some of these people attend one or two clinics and incorporate our Method into their own training programs or with their horse-related activities such as 4-H groups, Pony Clubs or Therapeutic Riding. We encourage and appreciate the integration of the method in these ways.

Others, after seeing the work demonstrated, ask "How can I become a certified teacher?"

Accreditation as a Tellington TTouch® Training teacher takes a considerable commitment of time and money. The qualifications required to teach at the various levels are outlined below.

The first level of accredited teachers, Practitioners, work with individuals and/or their horses. This level is an opportunity for both professional and non-professional horse people to teach TTouch® techniques that encourage understanding and partnership with horses and resolve behavioral and physical difficulties.

The procedure for becoming a Practitioner is:
     •  Have a satisfactory background dealing with horses.
     •  Attend a minimum of four week-long trainings.
     •  Write a letter to the office stating your desire to be acknowledged as a Practitioner.
     •  Include a biography and a photo.
     •  Complete a written test available from the office.
     •  Submit a case-history file of work with 10 horses. You may start collecting cases after your first week-long clinic. 
        Most people do not charge until they reach the Practitioner level. There are exceptions for those who are already professional trainers.

Qualification is determined by a review of these five steps.

The Practitioner level sometimes includes people who have limited experience with horses, but have experience in other professional fields of teaching or bodywork. Such people usually take more than four trainings to qualify as a Practitioner.

Practitioners qualify:
     •  To charge for their services with individuals and/or their horses.
     •  To give short presentations free of charge to horse clubs, Pony Clubs or 4-H groups.

To qualify to teach at higher levels, one must have:

  • Extensive experience and knowledge of handling horses
  • Basic horsemanship skills
  • Ability to ride various disciplines
  • Knowledge of what is a safe situation
  • Ability and experience in handling groups

Practitioner - Level 1

To advance from the Practitioner, two years must have elapsed from your first
session of the training program.
     •  Have a dynamic and empathetic personality.
     •  Attend a minimum of six week-long clinics and three one-day or two-day
     •  Write a letter to the office requesting promotion to Practitioner-1.
     •  Submit a video of one of your gratis presentations to a horse club that you did as a Practitioner.
     •  Attend, as an assistant or participant, one training every 18 months to maintain Guild status.
     •  Provide a list of your accomplishments while a Tellington TTouch Practitioner. 
         Include in your list all of your presentations to groups and sessions with
         individuals and/or horses.

Qualification is approved by a committee review.

Practitioners - Level 1 qualify:
     •  To give one-day hands-on workshops to no more than 10 participants and 5 horses.
     •  To continue working with individuals and their horses.
     •  To give a series of hands-on trainings to groups of no more than 10, i.e., one session per week, afternoon or evening, for 6-8 weeks.

Practitioner - Level 2  

     •  A minimum of four years with Tellington TTouch Training from your first week-long training.
     •  A minimum of eight trainings of 5-days and five one-day or two-day demonstrations.
     •  A one-hour video from one of your hands-on workshops.
     •  Complete the written advanced test available from the office.
     •  Attend, as an assistant or participant, one training every 18 months to maintain Guild status.

Qualification is approved by a committee.

Practitioners-2 qualify:
     •  To teach two-day hands-on workshops with groups of no more than 20 participants and unlimited auditors.
     •  To teach evening demonstrations. We suggest the evening before hands-on workshops.


Practitioner - Level 3 

     •  Work closely with the office staff.
     •  A minimum of five years with the Tellington TTouch® Method and has taught at least 15 hands-on workshops.
     •  Attend a minimum of 15 week-long trainings and 20 demonstrations.
     •  Have experience and show skill in using and teaching the Tellington Method riding equipment.
     •  Attend, as an assistant or participant, one training every 12 months to maintain Guild status.
     •  Upon approval of Linda and/or Robyn, teach a one-day demonstration that will be videoed for review.

Practitioners - Level 3 qualify to teach one-day demonstrations or one-day demonstrations with a second day hands-on workshop that are organized through the TTouch® office. These demonstrations are arranged through the Office and the Practitioners-3 are assigned according to the group's needs and the equine discipline


The qualifications are the same as for Practitioner-3. In addition, the Instructors work closely with the TTouch® Offices for the growth and development of the work and teach week-long trainings.

Instructors qualify:
     •  To teach one-day and two-day demonstrations that are organized through the TTouch® office.
     •  To teach week-long trainings that are organized through the office. Practitioners at any level can be Guild members.

Benefits include:
     •  A listing as a current Practitioner in mailings and social medie outlets.
     •  Referrals to people who write or call for information or assistance with their animals.
     •  Referrals as the result of advertising.
     •  Current listing on the online directory.

Tellington TTouch® Training Standards

The Tellington TTouch organization sets high standards for its teachers. The philosophical "seed" is easy to learn, and the work looks very easy, but extensive training and practice back up the techniques. It is the knowledge of the details that makes the work effective in a wide range of training situations. Letting go of the ego is an integral part of being a Tellington TTouch® teacher.

Some people attend one workshop and feel confident that they can teach the work. After attending two or three more trainings, they begin to realize how much there is to learn. It is at this time, when people realize what they do not know, that they start to have a good understanding of the work. Tellington TTouch® concepts and methods are like a giant puzzle. As one learns, pieces are added to the puzzle. This is what keeps the material fresh to teach and the teachers flexible.

Tellington TTouch® Training as a Career Choice

Often we get calls from people who want to make a career change and wonder if they can make a living as a practitioner. Anyone who has been in the horse business knows that most people work with horses more for love than for money. Unless one has a supplementary income, we do not recommend becoming a Tellington TTouch® Practitioner as a career. Many Tellington TTouch® practitioners teach the method for their personal satisfaction or incorporate it into their existing training, bodywork, or lesson program.

After years of training and refining their skills, our Instructors have developed their commitment to TTouch® into a career. As with any profession, it takes dedication, time, finances and effort to achieve the goals necessary to become the best in your field. The Tellington TTouch® method for horses is a wonderful way to expand your universe, philosophy and awareness whether or not you take it to the level of choosing it as a career!

Your Investment!

Tellington TTouch® Trainings offer you:

•  a compassionate way to partner with your horse or dog or other animal companion

•  new techniques and tools to foster better communication and easier learning

                          Call 866-4-TTouch details about your investment in a training

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