The Tellington TTouch®: Caring for Animals With Heart And Hands
by Linda Tellington-Jones with Sybil Taylor
Covering a wide variety of animals, including domestic and zoo animals, this is a wonderful definitive book for learning the Tellington TTouch® and an intriguing account of Linda's experiences from around the world.
Paperback 277 pages. The 2008 edition has a new cover and some edits to the Penguin Book, published in 1995.
A simple, circular touch can make a dramatic difference in the way an animal feels and acts, accomplishing everything from the rehabilitation of a horse from an injured leg to quieting a compulsively barking dog. The Tellington TTouch® offers tools to enhance animals -- well-being and training that anyone can use on cats, dogs, birds, horses, every reptiles and other exotic animals.
Along with accounts of her extraordinarily successful experiences performing the Tellington TTouch® and solid how-to-advice, distinguished animal trainer Linda Tellington-Jones offers advice for solving problems common among pets. The Tellington TTouch® opens our eyes to an innovative, effective method of improving our animals' health and temperaments.
We have "The Tellington TTouch" book, so I started to do little circles between his pads and toes, and one could almost see wheels spinning -- it helped immediately! Thanks for giving me a way to deal with his clumsy kitten claws. I would, previously, had ended up whacking him -- dangerous to the whacker, because he would have run off and scratched faces - and he is a sensitive sort - not easily deterred by "traditional" methods of discipline.
My other cat, 5 yr old, has never had a pleasant trip to the veterinarian. When our scheduled visit came up on the calendar last week. I prepared her by using the techniques described in the book and by visualizing a happy exam and visit.
On the way to the vet, Sabrina began, as usual, to scream and wail. Not feeding into her anxiety, I calmed myself and visualized making circles on her head and face. She was quiet for the remainder of the ride and once in the doctor's office, she immediately came out of her carrier and sat in an open window to watch chipmunks.
This has never happened before. Usually, both the doctor and I have had to shake and pull to get her out of the carrier. In fact, my vet commented on how calm and relaxed both cats were. Max was even examining the titles of the vet's bookshelves. I did not tell her about the TTouch, not yet! if I continue to have the success I appear to have with the TTouch, I know it is a skill my vet will be interested in.