All Wrapped Up: Improving function, performance & behavior with TTouch® Body Wraps (Horse)
Everything you always wanted to know about Body Wraps for Horses.
Dressage with Mind, Body & Soul
Linda combines her innovative methods with exciting ideas specifically for the dressage rider and trainer.
Rehabilitation of Horses - Booklet
Useful techniques to help your horse recover from neurological deficits including EPM.
Strike A Long Trot: Legendary Horsewoman Linda Tellington-Jones
This book chronicles the distinguished early equestrian career of Linda Tellington-Jones.
Tellington TTouch® in the Veterinary Practice
Although written for veterinarians and animal health care providers, this 92 page book is interesting for anyone who needs to handle animals in stressful situations or wants to learn to apply TTouch with their sick or injured animal.
The Tellington TTouch®: Caring for Animals With Heart And Hands
2008 edition with a new cover and some edits.
Videos and DVDs:
Solving Riding Problems From the Ground DVD
Exercises that improve balance, focus, coordination, self-confidence and self-control.
The TTEAM Approach to Handling Stallions and Mares DVD
Tips on handling, breeding and foaling.
TTouch® for Dressage Horses DVD
Enjoy watching Linda with Olympic gold medalists Klaus Balkenhol and Nicole Uphoff-Becker.
TTouch® of Magic for Horses DVD
Help correct undesirable habits, improve focus, promote healing, and create a closer relationship.

TTouch® for Horses and More
The information in this video can be applied to all horses. And also to your companion animals. Even you can experience the benefits of TTouch®.